The user (Second Party) shall be obliged not to post any information related to the Universal Credit Bureau Website to a third party, as a violation of this condition entails his / her criminal responsibility and civil liability for the penalty of this violation.
The user (Second Party) shall be obliged not to report cases that do not concern him/her in particular or directly.
In the event that the user (Second Party) initiates any lawsuits against another user or a person who is reporting him/her, he/she shall be obliged to provide evidence of the validity of his/her claim. The reported user shall be obliged to prove the validity or invalidity of what has been posted. The First Party has no current or future responsibility on its shoulders in the ongoing conflict among them. The user (Second Party) informant, shall be obligated to submit the documents proving the validity of what has been posted before the competent authorities in the event of its request.
The (First Party) Universal Credit Bureau website does not have the obligation to guarantee any financial claims or any things that have been reported against any user or reported, but rather as a platform only.
(The Second Party) shall not be entitled to disclose or share any information or data obtained through (First Party) the Universal Credit Bureau website.
(The Second Party) shall not be invoked to report any cases that are not related to him/her, and that he/she did not deal therewith personally or on behalf of any other party.
The user (the second party) has no right to delete the previously entered data, and he has the right to add to it in an explanation and detail.
(The second party) is obligated to submit documents indicating the authenticity of what has been published on his part to the competent authorities and not (to the first party) the website of the Universal Credit Bureau suspicion of any current or future responsibility it incurs.
(The Second Party) user shall have no right to use the Universal Credit Bureau website to promote any personal ads or personal purposes, whether by writing or other advertising methods.
(The Second Party) shall be obligated to inform (First Party) of any changes to its data that were previously entered.
The first party has the right to cancel the subscription of the second party and remove all its belongings from the platform if any violations occurred by the second party. The second party is advised to add a clause in his contracts with others stating his eligibility to report back arrears and rights in what is stipulated in the contract concluded between him and others on the Universal Credit Bureau website.
Also, under any circumstance, the website of the Universal Credit Bureau (the first party), its owner, assets, branches, directors, shareholders, employees, agents, joint entities, consultants and assigns to them will not be responsible for any special or incidental damages, side effects or consequential or consequential or punitive or direct or indirect compensation that arises. Linked to the site or its services.
It is agreed upon that the users of the Universal Credit Bureau website (Second Party) are responsible for their behaviors, conducts, actions, statements, and the content they provide via (First Party). This is because it is the platform and site; therefore, in the event of any dispute or discord between the user (Second Party) or others, then the user exempts (First Party) from any criminal or civil liability. This exemption includes everyone who is related to the First Party, employees, workers, agents, partners or consultants, from any responsibility for this dispute as well as from any claims for compensation, reparations, and actual and subordinate claims, whatever their nature is known or not. First Party, likewise, shall be exempted from authorized, clear, or secret disputes, and the ones arising from any means of communication.
If it is found out that any text or part of a text of these terms and conditions are prohibited by law or if the court has ruled that it is illegal, void or unenforceable, this term or the relevant part will be separated, as required, from these terms and conditions. They shall become ineffective to the maximum extent possible without modifying the remaining terms and conditions. This shall not affect in any way to any other terms, validity or enforcement of the rest of the other terms and conditions.